March 5, 2005

im so satisfied!this rawkks.(:
okay okay.i shall stop being so ego.but i did spent ONE WHOLE DAY doing this!!!i haven done ANY work yet and its end lf saturday already!!!and my eyes never rest for more than eight hours!!:X this is damn unhealthy for my eyes.hahas.okayokay.shall stop complaining.i think the "our say; friends say" thing cos the colour will change AFTER u hover over it.and the sunflower also very cool cos i took a LOONG time finding it.and the "one cool flower"also very cool cosi spent a lONG time making it.and the all rights reserve thing also very cool cos i spent a LONG time typing out the numbers.and the "we rocks"at the bottom also very cool cos i spent a long time making n changing n experimenting with it.overall,this blog is cool cos we are one cool flower with a cool blog and cos i spent a loong time making it
okay,forget what i said.imjust tired x)

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